Our Story


Hello there! Thank you for visiting our little online candle shop

As the founder and creator of Earthglo, I've poured my heart and soul into each and every candle. Handcrafted with care and love, our candles are a testament to the art of candle-making. Our commitment to using natural and non-toxic materials stems from a deep desire to provide you with a candle that enhances your life without compromising your health or the environment. Our candles are free from harmful additives, ensuring that the gentle aroma they release is as pure as the love we pour into making them.

Our mission is to bring a little piece of serenity into your life with each candle we create. Thank you for joining us on this fragrant and illuminating journey. We invite you to explore our collection and discover the radiant glow and soothing embrace of Earthglo.Feel free to contact me with any questions, special requests, or to share your thoughts. I love hearing from you!

With warmth and light,

Tamar Ofier